Excellent as always. And, for me personally, aptly timed.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Katie Heindl

You’re always so good at weaving these tapestries, but this one came out especially seamless, especially beautiful. I think because in both of its threads, it locates time and space so well, the reader cannot ignore the atmosphere. Love reading your work, like always.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Katie Heindl

Katie… I am struck by your authenticity, vulnerability and ability to analyze all at the same time. Naming your truth, whether re: family to thoughts re: basketball, nurture others to do so!

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May 21, 2023Liked by Katie Heindl

For me, the interesting bit about this Substack is how basketball (and my casual fan enjoyment of it) and... uh... life I guess? How considering life (emotions, travel, family) and considering professional basketball feed back and forth to each other, each one burnishing the other so that they both seem the richer and more meaningful for it. Basketball is a way of understanding life, and life is a way of understanding basketball.

That sounds silly, but as realized here, it’s thought provoking and surprisingly deep.

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